An attractive car wash sells more washes! A bright, clean, well maintained car wash attracts higher end customers than a drab, poorly lit facility. Make your car wash stand out by dressing it up with Extrutech PVC Wall and Ceiling Panels, P224 Partition Wall System, Stay-in-Place Concrete FORM Wall System or our All-Weather Doors. The small investment will pay-off! and More Customers means more profits!
For 32 years Extrutech PVC Wall and Ceiling Panels has been known for the best shine in the industry, so if you want your project shine you want Extrutech. Extrutech PVC Wall and Ceiling Panels are available in three sizes of 12″, 16′ and 24″ wide, with cut to the inch lengths up to 20 Feet long. The 12″ wide panels are available in a number of colors white, black, gray, beige, green, blue, red, and yellow. So, give Extrutech Plastics a call for a quote of your next project. Call 888-818-0118 or Email us for a quote and let’s make your car wash shine.
Car Wash Industry
Wall Liner Panels manufactured by Extrutech Plastics are ideal for high moisture areas. The smooth bright white surface quickly sheds water; made with 100% virgin exterior grade PVC. Our P2400 panel is 24″ wide for walls, P1600 – 16″ wide along with our 12″ wide P1300 panel can be used on walls and ceilings. All have a tongue and groove design with a nailing fin along one side that makes installation quick and easy, with no exposed fasteners. All panels are cut to the inch of requested length up to 20 feet. They are easy to clean, durable, never need paint and will not rot or rust. Panels do not support mold or mildew per ASTM D3273 and D3274.
CSI- Master Format # 06600 (06 64 00). Twenty year warranty.
Meets ASTM E84-05 Class A for smoke and fire.
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Installation Video See Our Catalog
Panel Replacement Car Wash Photo Gallery
Trim Details (PDF – 327KB)
Extrutech Panel Instructions (PDF – 504KB)
PVC Liner Panels and Stay in Place Concrete Form by Extrutech Plastics, Inc.